The Experimenting Novice: Chocolate Covered Sea Salt Caramels

I am sure I am not alone on this, but I will go through craving trends where I am obsessed with a particular type of food until I am sick of it. Sometimes the craving is seasonal (naturally), and sometimes it becomes everlasting, like chocolate chip muffins, spinach pizza, or a Negroni.

One particular item that is increasingly becoming a part of the year-round obsession list are caramels. Chocolate covered caramels, that is. I enjoy Trader Joe’s version of them, and I probably buy out their entire stock from time to time because they run out of them more often than other candies. Therefore, I became determined to make my own so that I can have my own personal inventory.

I am no expert when it comes to confections other than being around my Mom, who is an ultimate master. She made a batch of her own caramels a few years ago, and I have never forgotten them so I am pretty curious to see how this attempt is going to go.

I based the caramel making experiment off of a recipe from the blog, Inspired Taste.
Super simple and cheap, these morsels can be creative gift for friends or as an immediate go to whenever you are craving sugar, which for me is almost all day.

Result? Overall, I think I cooked the caramel a little too long for my liking, probably because I was almost more interested in taking pictures than I was concentrating on the stove at the time. Everything took much faster to cool and harden than what the recipe stated, partly because there is literally no heat in my kitchen and we have marble everywhere. The chocolate ended up being a little sloppy since I did not temper it as well as I should have but overall looked pretty reminiscent of my Trader Joe’s favorite. They surprisingly tasted like See’s Candies caramels so I think I did pretty well for a first try.

Interested in taking a shot at creating these morsels? Find the recipe here: Chocolate Covered Sea Salt Caramels


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